Our Programs

Our current program areas focus on technology solutions, research, insights, and education.

Program 1

Micro-Planning Campaign Application

This program focuses on developing solutions and research to improve micro-planning for health campaigns across low-and-middle-income countries. DFL will streamline the communication process and coordinate health campaigns for plights like malaria, tuberculosis, polio, and awareness for contraception and sexual health.

Next-Gen Campaign Technology

HealthCPT is an AI-powered solution to ease planning for LMIC and improve performance with each cycle, based on design thinking principles and conceived and lead by our non-profit partner Ci3Global. DFL is excited to support the development and launch of this innovative technology in Second Half of 2024.

Program 2

Supply Chain Data

In public health, decision-makers need to find a solution that can cover the entire population. To solve this problem, LMIC need to have the resources and data, and the ability to analyze it, to serve the population. This program provides a complete Global Supply Chain Reference Database for any type of supply chain analysis in the public health sector so leaders can smartly create data and quickly analyze it.

Program 3

Diagnostic Network Competency & Tooling

Competitive analysis is standard practice in many industries, but it’s never been done across supply chain analysis databases in the global public space. This program breaks the barrier of statistical analysis across public health information in LMIC to provide further understanding of trade-offs, best-performing designs, and fact-based ideas for strategies that have not been analyzed before.​ Together with nonprofits and non-governmental agencies, Design For Life will provide insights that can help policy makers.

Program 4

Supply Chain Almanac

Competitive analysis is standard practice in many industries, but it’s never been done across supply chain analysis databases in the global public space. This program breaks the barrier of statistical analysis across public health information in LMIC to provide further understanding of trade-offs, best-performing designs, and fact-based ideas for strategies that have not been analyzed before.  Consolidating data on supply chain setup, design, and performance across LMICs is a first and critical step to better understanding and identify new improvement opportunities. Together with nonprofits and non-governmental agencies, Design For Life will provide insights that can help policy makers.

Program 5

Design Thinking Workshops

As a new and improved way of health campaign planning, the education around design-based thinking is limited. Design Thinking workshops will provide immersive learning experiences for the general public on design-thinking in the public domain and how it can drive improvements in public systems that champion life. These workshops will be held in a hybrid format to ensure that all who want to learn and be inspired can attend, no matter where they are.

Program 6


DFLONOMICS is a ‘think tank’ of supply chain researchers conducting analysis that’s never been done before within supply chain and public health databases, that challenges current thinking and trends. In order to support life in LMIC, we need to better understand how supply chains for public systems work, how they perform, and what steps must be taken for them to improve. By using data from current analysis, gathering public data, and understanding current trends and patterns through design thinking, researchers will uncover creative and efficient solutions for current and future public health challenges.

Program 7

Sustainability Design in Public Global Systems Supporting Life

Merging the idea of sustainability into public supply chain systems has become an important issue in recent years. By harnessing publicly available data and insights from researchers in the field, DFL can bridge the gap between these concepts and seamlessly integrate sustainability and supply chain design to improve system performance and public health.

Program availability

Do you have an idea for a program or initiative that can help support health campaign planning within underserved populations? Get in touch with our team.